Friday, May 20, 2011

To the Department Head of Political and Social Sciences, Saint Louis University SY 2010-2011.....DR GRACIA C. MACABIOG, thank you for the guidance, mentoring and friendship through the years.....
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Social Stratification/ social classes in the Philippines.  Listening to the song and reflecting on its meaning reveal perceived realities of social life in Philippine society.  Summarize the content of the song, discuss applications in society and personal experiences that may confirm/validate or contradict/oppose/challenge the contentions mentioned in the song.

Social Inequality

People are created equal? Yes, in the eyes of our Divine Creator. Yes, supposedly even before the law. People are not equal in terms of wealth or status. Members of a society are stratified into groups with unequal access to important advantages like resources in the economy, power, as well as prestige. Many studies have revealed the unequal chances of acquiring "goods" in society depending on one's social class.

Is obesity replacing or adding to undernutrition? Evidence from different social classes in Brazil (Carlos A Monteiro, Wolney L Conde, and Barry M Popkin